Valentine’s Day is the perfect day for letting the people you love the most know just how much they mean to you. We often only think of Valentine’s Day as a romantic celebration for our significant other, but it can and should be so much more. While we at GiRLiFE think that our girls should be celebrated every day, it is especially important to show your girl some love on Valentine’s Day. With the big day less than a week away here are 5 simple ways to shower your girl with love this Valentine’s Day.
Create Opportunities To Love On Yourself
When she sees you empower yourself to take time to pamper yourself, have some alone time, or to say no when it’s necessary, she will know that she has permission to do all of those things for herself. One of the best ways to empower your girl is to empower yourself first. Our girls are sponges, they see and hear everything we do and soak it all up, whether we realize it or not. We strive for them to be kind to themselves, to be accepting of their flaws and to not hold themselves to an unattainably high standard. But, if we have those expectations for her, we must show the same level of kindness and care to ourselves. We must first show ourselves some grace and self love so that she has a positive road map to follow in her own life.
Tell Her What You Love About Her
Dig deep into what makes her so uniquely special and why you love that about her. All too often we assume that our girls know exactly how we feel about them. It may go without saying that you love how empathetic or creative or adventurous your girl is, but sometimes hearing these affirmations aloud from you is just what she needs to help boost her self confidence. Outwardly recognizing these special attributes and talents will communicate to her that she is seen and loved just for being herself.
Help Her Create A Ritual Of Self Care
Whether you buy her a journal or have a weekly standing ice cream date to just laugh and chat – rituals are amazing ways to reset and feel loved. Establishing these rituals and modeling them early on will give your girl a sense of self-love that can carry on through the rest of her life. These rituals can be as simple as a five minute meditation or daily affirmations that she can repeat whenever needed to help her rejuvenate and reinforce a positive mindset. By participating in these rituals with her you can show her just how important it is to find that light in your life on a daily basis.
Give Her Your Undivided Attention
Spending quality time with your girl goes hand-in-hand with creating a ritual of self care. Life is hectic, but making it a daily habit to take time out, eliminate distractions and spend some quality one-on-one time with your girl is one of the simplest ways to show her that she matters to you. Taking interest in her daily life by setting aside some time to chat every morning at breakfast about the day ahead or have a debrief of her school day every evening before bed is a wonderful way to stay involved in her life and shows her that you are interested in every aspect.
Take some time to vision board with your girl or make her a cup of tea and just talk about her hopes for the future. Really listen, don’t interrupt, and don’t push your ideas on her. Help her to identify goals and milestones that will assist her in reaching her ultimate goal and find out what you can do to help her put those into action. Listening to her hopes and dreams and supporting her ideas will make her feel deeply loved.
So this Valentine’s Day take the opportunity to shower that girl in your life with some extra love. Modeling self-care, reminding her why she’s amazing, creating healthy habits, staying connected and dreaming with her about her future are just some of the ways that you can empower your girl. And, you can further unleash your girl’s super powers by joining our GiRLiFE group on Facebook.
GiRLiFE is committed to harnessing your girl’s passion and emphasizing her amazing abilities. Want to lead by example and empower our next generation of girls? Become a Certified GiRLiFE facilitator in your community! Join our Facebook Group here:
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